折り曲げ機 MAGEMAGE モデル選択

Metal Bender

税込 128,560
  • バックゲージ
  • デプスゲージ
  • キズ防止シート
  • 14Kg W49㎝×D49㎝×H18㎝
税込 128,560


本契約書は日本語を正式な言語とし、その他の言語のものは翻訳としております。日本語原本を確認されたい場合は、こちら からご覧いただけます。

This product license agreement (hereinafter referred to as this “Agreement”) is a legal agreement between the product user outside Japan (an individual person or a corporation, hereinafter referred to as “You”) and Originalmind Co. Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Our Company”) executed for the KitMill series products and other original products (hereinafter referred to as the “Product”).
Upon the purchase of the Product, if You have had means or opportunity to read this Agreement before the purchase of this Product, or upon unpacking the Product, if You had had no such opportunity before the purchase, You are deemed to have accepted to be bound by the provisions of this Agreement. Thereafter, Your demand for Your returning of the Product or refundment therefor shall not be accepted.

The official version of this Agreement is in the Japanese language and other versions shall be deemed to be translation.

Safety Precautions

  • Our Company shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, and troubles caused by using this Product.
  • This Product is composed of a necessary minimum number of components without a safety cover, safety circuit or other safety measures. You shall take safety measures as required to operate the Product.
  • This Product is intended to be handled by users who have machine assembling, machining, electric and CAD/CAM techniques and can predict risks associated with such applications. You should not use this Product if You cannot predict such risks and thus have difficulty in operating the Product in a safe manner.
  • You shall take measures on Your own for noise control, swarf disposal, and noise causing malfunction.
  • You shall read and understand the cautions and the safety instructions in the online manual thoroughly before use of the Product.
  • The Product is of design adapted for use in Japan. You must make sure that the source voltage specifications and plug shape are compatible with those in Your country.
  • Especially in the European Economic Area, always use the Product with a CE-compliant emergency stop device.


  • Our support is primarily provided in Japanese, utilizing machine translation to offer services in multiple languages. While we aim to support a variety of languages, our team consists solely of native Japanese speakers, which may limit our ability to provide uniform service across all languages.
  • We strive to accommodate the language You use, however, to ensure an optimal service, we may suggest support provided in English, where the accuracy of machine translation is more easily assessed.
  • Due to the nature of translations, misunderstandings or ambiguous expressions may occur. Should such situations arise, Our Company will make efforts to clarify, though we cannot guarantee a perfect resolution.
  • Our Company will make the utmost effort to ensure the quality of the support provided, however, we will not be held accountable for any misunderstandings or issues arising from translations.
  • Support will be provided to You via emails only, NOT over the telephone.
  • The Product manual is not in print but digitally available online through Our Company's website. Refer to the online manual for technical information including the Product operation, machining methods, and electrical control.
  • Our Company does not offer printing service on paper or as PDF of the online manual. Secure the Internet access to view the online manual.
  • Our Company does not at all advise You select a particular Product for Your particular usage.
  • Our Company will not disclose design-related data for the Product.
  • No advice or support will be provided for alteration of the Product.
  • Our Company will not provide any on-site support service at Your premise, nor walk-in support service at Our Company.
  • No support is provided from Our Company for third-party products such as a CNC software.
  • A CNC software may or may not function properly on Your computer. Our Company will not provide a computer for replacement. Check the system requirements for the software on Your computer before use.
  • No support is provided from Our Company for third-party products inlucing CAM softwares in relation to functions and/or how to use. Refer to the manual from the original provider.
  • Our Company will not respond to any request regarding certification and standard requirements of Your country in relation to the Product specification and parts thereof.

Warranty Period

  • Warranty period is one (1) year commencing on the date the Product is delivered to You.
  • If there is a lack of any part or component, which should have been in the delivered package, contact Our Company via the Inquiry Form within one (1) month from the date of delivery. When no such inquiry is received, the delivery will be deemed complete.


  • Should there be, during the warranty period, a fault or defect under the scope of warranty, a replacement will be sent to You at a charge. If a replacement is not available due to discontinued production or other reasons, a solution capped at the purchase price in place of warranty will be discussed between You and Our Company.
  • A replacement will only be made available when:
    - You have contacted Our Company with the name of the faulty part (as listed in the manual),
    - sent photos verifying the fault or defect through our Inquiry Form, and
    - Our Company has confirmed the defect. No other replacement will be provided during this confirmation period.
  • The cost capped at 5,000JPY associated with sending a replacement to You will be covered by Our Company. Any amount exceeding the cap will be borne by You.

Scope of Warranty

  • The warranty covers failures or defects of the Product having occurred regardless of You using the Product accordingly to the user's manual.
  • This Product is not a complete product, rather an “assembly kit”, which You are the one who assembles it and makes adjustments. The warranty does not cover the performance of the Product such as machining accuracy or efficiency, nor the Product's outcome like surface roughness, which can vary significantly depending on Your assembly and adjustment. However, we will replace a part or a component of the Product if faulty or defected.
  • Irrespective of the warranty period, the following cases shall not be covered by the warranty if:

  1. a failure is attributed to Your handling contrary to the safety precautions specified herein and the instructions in the manual,

  2. a failure is attributed to inappropriate use, misuse, careless handling, dropping, submerging, or wetting the Product,

  3. a failure is attributed to rust, dust, deformation or other causes due to Your environment or inadequate control.

  4. tampering, alterations or repair was done by someone other than Our Company,

  5. a failure is due to fire, earthquake, flood or other natural disaster,

  6. a failure is attributed to an operation the Product is not intended for,

  7. a failure is attributed to other equipment or devices

  8. the Product was acquired by purchase or transfer from a third party,

  9. a failure is attributed to wear and tear of bearings or tools,

10. a failure due to a minor flaw such as contamination, dent or discoloration, which does not make the Product inoperable,

11. a failure intentionally caused by You or a third party, or that judged by Our Company to have been intentionally caused,

12. a lack of a part, component or the Product itself, due to theft, failure to assemble, or having lost it,

13. a damage, dent, or theft having incurred during transportation to, or a failure of delivery to You,

14. a failure attributed to a use for aerospace equipment, nuclear power equipment, weapons, arms or other military applications,

15. a breakdown due to the use with abnormal voltage or undesignated power supply (voltage, frequency),

16. a breakdown due to inadequate and/or insufficient maintenance, and

17. a breakdown due to the use of expendables or parts not specified by Our Company.

Limited Applications

  • This Product is not intended for use in the following applications. Do not use the Product for the following purposes:

  1. Nuclear, aviation, space, railway, maritime, vehicle, medical devices, transportation equipment, weaponry, military supplies, or other applications where significant impact on human life or property is anticipated.

  2. Electricity, gas, water supply or other systems for which high reliability and safety are required.

  3. Outdoor Use


  • If the Product fails, an attributable replacement part can be sent to You at a charge, so You can replace the part Yourself. Our Company does not offer walk-in or send-in repair services at Our Company for Products sold outside of Japan.
  • A replacement will only be made available when:
    - You have contacted Our Company with the name of the faulty part (as listed in the manual),
    - sent photos verifying the fault or defect through our Inquiry Form, and
    - Our Company has confirmed the defect. No other replacement will be provided during this confirmation period.
  • Upon discontinued production and sale of the Product, replacement parts will be made available during the maintenance parts retention period. The retention period varies depending on the Product; refer to the "Maintenance Parts Retention Period" for details.
  • In case of the Product breakdown, all the cost incurred for sending replacement parts to You will be borne by You. If the Product breakdown is attributed to a failure or defect that falls within the scope of warranty, the cost capped at 5,000JPY associated with sending a replacement to You will be covered by Our Company. Any amount exceeding the cap will be borne by You.
  • Our Company will not provide any on-site support service at Your premise, nor walk-in or send-in support service at Our Company.

Returns and Exchanges

  • Our Company does not offer returns or exchanges of the Product due to reason attributable to You.


  • Our Company does not accept a cancellation for an order having been finalized. Always confirm the Product You are about to purchase before finalizing an order.

Cautions for Exportation of Product

  • When using the Product outside Japan, please do so at Your own risk and comply with all relevant laws and regulations.
  • When using the Product outside Japan, please do so at Your own risk and fully consider the power supply voltage specifications, regulations, standards, and laws of the country.
  • Our Company can decline orders at our own discretion.


  • The contents of this Agreement are subject to change without notice. The warranty for the Product will be applied according to the most recent version of the Product License Agreement.


  • Our Company assumes no responsibility for any damage(s) attributable to Your application of the Product not covered by the warranty herein. Use the Product at Your own risk.
  • Our Company assumes no responsibility for any damage(s) resulting from Your use for any of the limited applications specified herein.
  • Our Company assumes no responsibility for any damages resulting from outcome products produced using the Product.
  • Our Company assumes no responsibility for damage(s) caused by natural disaster or fire.
  • Our Company assumes no responsibility for damage(s) caused by tampering, remodeling or repairing by You or a third party.
  • Our Company assumes no responsibility for damage(s) caused by Your handling contrary to the safety precautions specified herein and the instructions in the manual.
  • Our Company assumes no responsibility for damage(s) caused by noise, swarf, or noise-causing malfunction resulting from the use of the Product.
  • Information, images, and specifications on Our Company's website are subject to change or update without notice to You, and Our Company is not liable for any damages arising from such changes.
  • Our Company assumes no responsibility for damage(s) sustained by You or any third party from the use of the Product or the inability to use the Product (loss of business profits, interruption of business, failure of connected devices, loss of data, damage caused by unauthorized access, personal injury, etc.).
  • Our Company does not warrant the compliance of the Product with the laws and regulations of Your country with respect to export and applications of the Products.

Modification of Specifications

  • Specifications for the Product may be modified without notice.


  • Questions arising on matters not covered by this Agreement or its interpretation shall be settled by consultation between You and Our Company in good faith.

Settlement of Dispute

  • Any dispute, controversy and/or difference which may arise between the parties out of or in relation to this Agreement shall be settled by Nagano District Court as the exclusive agreement jurisdiction court for the first trial.


  • 製品を使用するにあたり、別途工具が必要な場合がございます。「必要なもの」にて必要なものをご確認ください。
  • 本製品は組み立てキットです。お客様にて製品の組立、調整を行っていただきます。組立、調整方法については、購入後にログインできるオンラインマニュアルにてご覧になれます。当社ではマニュアルの印刷やPDF化のサービスを行っておりませんので、インターネット環境を必ずご用意ください。
  • 技術的なサポートは全てメール対応になります。電話や出張でのサポートは行っておりませんのであらかじめご了承ください。
  • 本製品はホビー、教育向けの製品です。業務用として使用できるほどの性能と信頼性を持ち合わせておりません。また、固定方法、安全対策、切りくず処理に関しましてもお客様ご自身でご対応ください。
  • 本製品の使用により生じたいかなる損害などについても、当社では一切その責任をおいかねます。
  • エンドユーザー様に代わって代理注文をする場合は、上記の重要確認事項と使用許諾契約の内容を必ずエンドユーザー様に確認、同意を得た上でご注文ください。
  • 本製品が故障した場合は、有償で故障部品の代替品をお送りいたしますので、お客様自身で部品の交換を行なってください。なお、当社では日本国外に販売した製品をお預かりしての修理は一切行いません。
  • 日本国外での使用は、各国の電源電圧仕様や規制、規格、法律を十分に考慮した上でお客様の責任においてご使用ください。
  • 本製品の海外配送に際する輸入関税につきましては、お客様のご負担となります。ご了承ください。